Australasian Leadership Institute Free Articles


I am a former Broker Sales Manager and an Operations Manager who is now working as a leadership coach, consultant and strategist across four key areas:

  • Leadership of successful teams
  • Optimisation of mental performance 
  • Leadership psychology
  • High performing teams

Within these areas, I design, coach and facilitate bespoke leadership development programmes for individuals and teams including managers of all levels, directors, executives, professional athletes and aspiring leaders. My clients include the Delegates of the European Union, The Fred Hollows Foundation in Timor-Leste, the Fiji Sun newspaper, Lakes DHB, Kmart and Foodstuffs.

I am listed by Evan Carmichael as one of the top 100 leadership experts in the world to follow on Twitter.

When I design leadership programmes I draw from my twenty five years of managerial experience across a range of industries in the United Kingdom and here in New Zealand. I am accepted in the MBTI suite of tools and I am a professional member of NZAPT (New Zealand Association of Psychological Type) NZIM (New Zealand Institute of Management) and NZATD (New Zealand Association of Training & Development). I am a published author of two leadership books and I've had articles published in a range of magazines including Lifestyle for Men Magazine, M2, New Zealand Management Magazine as well as having a weekly business column with the Fiji Sun Newspaper. I am the current editor of Elite Leadership magazine.

If you want practical effective coaching and facilitation based on a foundation of modern leadership theories then get in touch via Twitter, the enquiry form below or call me direct on 021 354 831 (New Zealand)

View Mark Wager's profile on LinkedIn

  • Business Lessons From Formula One
    Formula One is a multi-billion dollar business with major corporations such as Ferrari, Mercedes and Red Bull spending millions of dollars to compete for the Formula One constructors championship. The best drivers in the world in cars reaching speeds of over 350 km/h competing against each other in races held all around the world.
    Posted: Monday 28 November 2016
  • The One Lesson I Can't Teach You
    I've coached leaders at all levels, from young aspiring leaders to experienced CEOs and I've helped leaders oversee organisational change. I've guided them through dealing with sensitive poor performance issues but there are a few things that I make clear I can't help with. Certain aspects of leadership which are fundamental to becoming effective but are so personal that it's only the leader that can work on them. Without these qualities not only can't I help them but they will never become a great leader.
    Posted: Monday 21 November 2016
  • Change Your Mindset To Achieve Your Goals
    I'm honoured to be in the position of a Leadership Coach and I've helped many people reach their goals. After all these years of working with people and studying winners, a clear pattern of behaviour that is consistent in all circumstances has emerged. If we implement this pattern of behaviour into own lives then we too can achieve success
    Posted: Monday 14 November 2016
  • The DNA of Great Leadership
    Like DNA itself, great leaders have four main building blocks. They have the ability to lead themselves. The ability to lead people, the ability to achieve results and finally the ability to create a legacy. When all these abilities come together you have the DNA of great leadership. Let me explain in more detail.
    Posted: Monday 7 November 2016
  • Inspirational Lessons From Doctor Strange
    Doctor Strange starring Benedict Cumberbach, Chiwetel Ejitor and Rachel McAdams is the tale of a highly successful surgeon, who when he loses the full use of his hands as a result of a car accident, finds that his journey for a cure, takes him into a mystical world and a battle between good and evil. Like all tales of a hero's journey, Doctor Strange provides us with inspirational lessons that we can use to help us overcome our own personal challenges.
    Posted: Sunday 30 October 2016
  • What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Horror Movies
    It's the time of the year that you will want to curl up on a sofa and watch a series of horror movies yet while you watch them you may be unaware of what business lessons you can learn from the genre of horror. So let me explain how the process that has brought horror to your movie screen can show you how to remove the horror out of your business.
    Posted: Thursday 27 October 2016
  • The Art Of The Apology In Business
    Mistakes happen, no matter how much you prepare or how good you are there are going to be times that you will make mistakes. In the business world, mistakes can be crucial and they can prevent you from winning a new contract or even worse, they can lose you an existing one. So, despite all the work you put in to ensure that mistakes don't happen in the first place you also need to be prepared for when they do.
    Posted: Monday 24 October 2016
  • How To Communicate Like An Inspirational Leader
    As a leader you need to inspire people in such a way that you will make them work with you and with full commitment and passion. This is a challenge because in the vast majority of companies, the time a leader gets to spend with his team is limited, so it's vital that any time you get an opportunity to gather your team together to talk to them, your message and its delivery needs to be as inspirational as possible.
    Posted: Monday 17 October 2016
  • How To Make Better Decisions
    A leader is judged by the quality of their decisions. The ability to make the right decision in a timely and decisive manner can be the difference between a team succeeding and a team failing, but how can a leader make the right decision and what is the process that they follow? In this article I look at what a leader needs to consider in order to make the right decisions at the right time.
    Posted: Monday 10 October 2016
  • 3 Steps To Turn A Losing Team Into A Winning Team
    There are many challenges that leaders face but one of the most difficult is when the team has a losing culture. The team has lost the will to win, lacking self belief and is producing one poor performance after another. The situation may seem hopeless but is not.
    Posted: Monday 3 October 2016
  • 7 Tips on How To Turn Failure Into Success
    Failure is that horrible experience that we try desperately to avoid. In fact most people are so desperate to avoid failure that it prevents them from trying in the first place. It’s this feeling that forces us to look at ourselves and face the disappointment of what we see, the reality that we are not as good as we thought. You might not feel it at the time but the reality is that failure is the best thing that could happen to you.
    Posted: Monday 26 September 2016
  • How To Become An Inspirational Leader
    This week I want to talk about the quality we most associate with leaders and that is the quality to inspire people. With research showing that approximately 25% (33% in larger organisations) of staff consider their immediate manager or supervisor as a poor leader the people who have this rare quality to inspire teams are in great demand because many companies are starting to realise the true impact that inspirational leaders can have on productivity and profitability.
    Posted: Monday 19 September 2016
  • What They Don't Tell New Leaders
    It can be daunting to take on your first leadership role. The usual scenario is that you have expertise in your chosen field and things have been going well, so well in fact that your employer now wants to offer you a promotion. You are no longer just one of the team. You are now expected to lead the team
    Posted: Monday 12 September 2016
  • Four Ways To Double Your Productivity
    In my experience I firmly believe that there is a secret to time management which has transformed not only my own personal effectiveness but also changed my life. I firmly believe the secret of time management is not to manage time but instead to manage energy.
    Posted: Monday 5 September 2016
  • What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Miyamoto Musashi
    The truth is simple, undeniable yet brutal. If you enter the world of entrepreneurship there is a 90% chance that your business won't exist within five years and a 95% chance that it won't last ten years. So surviving the figure of entrepreneurs who are making a good living and living the dream is much lower.

    If you want to be an entrepreneur you need to be warrior. This is the brutal truth.
    Posted: Monday 29 August 2016
  • How To Deal With a Micromanaging Boss
    The micromanaging boss shouldn't exist especially in an age when there are mountains of studies available to everyone who demonstrates how autonomy is such a powerful motivator. Even if you have never read any study on successful workplaces just the idea of micromanaging someone doesn't make any sense
    Posted: Thursday 25 August 2016
  • What CEOs Can Learn From Fiji's Olympic Dream
    What is true in sports is also true in business. The people who succeed are the ones who can perform under pressure and there's no role in business that has to cope with pressure more than the role of the CEO. The role may be called something different depending on the organisation but the Chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest ranking position in the company and is responsible for the developing and implementing of strategies that will determine the future of the company.
    Posted: Monday 22 August 2016
  • The Four Elements of Communication
    My own personal definition of effective communication within a work environment is when everyone has all the information they need in order to perform their job to the best of their ability. Ask yourself if everyone in your team is communicating effectively with you and then ask yourself if your team was asked the same question how would they answer?
    Posted: Monday 15 August 2016
  • 4 Leadership Lessons From The Best Football Managers In The World
    While there is an ongoing debate about which football league in the world is better, there can be no doubt about which football league has the best Managers. The English Premier League is now the home of some of the most successful and highly regarded Managers in the world.
    Posted: Saturday 13 August 2016
  • Business Lessons From The Olympics
    Whatever the nature of your business I'm confident you want to be better, you want to beat your competitors, you want to be more successful and if not then to be honest you shouldn't be in business. In order to learn lessons on how to separate yourself from the pack let's look at the qualities that separate the Olympic gold winners from the rest.
    Posted: Saturday 6 August 2016

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