Australasian Leadership Institute Free Articles


Welcome to My Leadership and Mindset Blog

With over 34 years of experience in leadership, I’ve had the privilege of working with leaders and organisations internationally, helping them unlock their potential, overcome challenges, and achieve exceptional results. Recognised as one of the world’s top leadership experts, I’ve authored 12 books on leadership and mindset, sharing the strategies and insights that have transformed individuals and teams around the globe.

This blog is where I share practical insights, proven techniques, and timeless lessons to help you navigate the challenges of leadership and elevate your performance. Whether you’re an experienced executive or stepping into a leadership role for the first time, you’ll find valuable advice here to guide your journey.

If you’re ready to take the next step and bring meaningful change to your team or organisation, I offer:

• One-on-one coaching tailored to your unique leadership challenges.

• In-house leadership training designed to create high-performing, purpose-driven teams.

Get in touch today, and let’s work together to make your leadership vision a reality.

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  • The Roadmap  to Success
    When I share a success story, I get two kinds of reactions from people and it's in this reaction that I know instantly if this person has a chance of reaching their full potential. So when I talk about a new client or about a new book coming out I hear either a defensive reply or a proactive reply.
    Posted: Monday 9 March 2015
  • Communication Secrets of World Class Leaders by Mark Wager
    There are leaders and there are leaders. Some leaders inspire us to do our job yet there are others that inspire us to reach levels we never thought imaginable. These are the world class leaders. It’s these leaders that create an environment that can change an organisation from loss to profit and from good to great. An essential element of any leader is their ability to communicate with their team, but how do they do this? How do they communicate in a way that inspires people? This article
    Posted: Monday 2 March 2015
  • Why Are Good Leaders So Rare? by Mark Wager
    Regardless of the industry within which a leader performs, people have a similar idea of the type of leader they want to work alongside, yet with this being the case why is it that we so often hear people complaining about poor leaders and managers they have to tolerate working with just to keep their jobs? Why are good leaders so rare?
    Posted: Monday 16 February 2015
  • The Essential Leadership Values
    Leadership is the ability to instil power and belief into individuals and teams in order for them to reach levels they didn’t realise could be possible. Leaders create strong emotional connections which build loyalty, trust and engagement. These can only be created through honest open interactions through which the leader’s values are demonstrated. It is these very values that determine the effectiveness of a leader.
    Posted: Monday 8 December 2014
  • Fixing the Fatal Link in Your Employee Enagagement
    A common trend that occurs with Employee Engagement results is when the results show a strong connection within the immediate team level but a weak connection with the wider organisation. This can be fatal to an organisation because when employees only feel a sense of identity with their immediate team but not with the wider organisation it’s difficult to maintain alignment between the team's objectives and the organisation's objectives.
    Posted: Monday 1 December 2014
  • Inspirational quotes from Muhammad Ali
    Here is a collection of motivational quotes from Muhammad Ali
    Posted: Monday 24 November 2014
  • Understanding
    Recently, I delivered a workshop on dealing with conflict within the workplace. At the workshop someone asked me my opinion on a situation they faced at work. It seemed that they had a member of the team who was constantly getting involved in conflict and was very difficult to communicate with and was almost obstructive when it came to resolving conflict. This was my response.
    Posted: Monday 17 November 2014
  • One of the key elements of a team philosophy is establishing the ground rules for how the team communicates with each other.This article explores how to deal with this tricky issue.
    Posted: Monday 10 November 2014
  • How To Give Your Team Purpose by Mark Wager
    We all need a purpose, something which clearly defines our existence, the reason why our heart beats faster than normal, the reason why we feel hours pass like minutes, the reason why we say no when our inner voice tells us to quit. We have a fundamental human need to find our purpose and we will feel unfulfilled until we find it. Teams are no different. They will never reach their full potential until they discover their purpose.
    Posted: Monday 3 November 2014
  • Interview with Mike Hesson, Head Coach of The Black Caps
    This is the first in a series of articles in which I sit down and interview some of the most prominent leaders in New Zealand's sport. I want to see how important leadership is in sports and if the principles of sports leadership can be successfully applied within other organisations.
    Posted: Monday 20 October 2014
  • Dealing With Your Engagement Results by Mark Wager
    So you've received your employee engagement results and they are not good, so what do you do next? This is a scenario facing Managers all across the world and as employee engagement surveys become more popular, the challenge of dealing with the results will grow. I regularly coach leaders and help them avoid the common mistakes that not only fail to improve employee engagement but actually make it worse.
    Posted: Monday 22 September 2014
  • Development for Small Business Leaders
    I work with small business leaders to develop their leadership skills which in turn improves the motivation of their team, their productively and ultimately the profits of their business. In this article I will highlight some of the key development areas that small business leaders require.
    Posted: Monday 1 September 2014
  • The Common Traits of Successful People
    I'm fascinated by people who are successful, who are at the top of their field, whether that's building a business, sports, or entertainment. I read books, I have studied videos and even had the opportunity to interact with some of these successful people and the combination of all that research and experience leads me to believe that each and every single one of these truly successful people share some common traits. In this article, I plan to give you an overview of some of those traits.
    Posted: Monday 25 August 2014
  • How To Manage Organisational Change
    An understanding that what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow is essential for any ambitious organisation. Change needs to occur and without a doubt, the issue is how a leader manages the change process. The “how” the change occurs is almost as important as the “why” and if managed incorrectly you can undo the level of employee engagement you have which negates any benefit that will come from a new organisational structure.
    Posted: Monday 18 August 2014
  • Dealing With Failure A Leadership Article by Mark Wager
    Failure is that horrible experience that we try desperately hard to avoid. In fact most people are so desperate to avoid failure that it prevents them from trying in the first place. It’s this feeling that forces us to look at ourselves and face the disappointment of what we see, the reality that we are not as good as we thought. You might not feel it at the time but failure is the best thing that could happen to you.
    Posted: Monday 28 July 2014
  • The Many Faces of Leadership
    The art of leadership fundamentally breaks down to having the ability to be the person that people need you to be while still staying authentic to yourself. This is difficult as with most people there are some aspects of leadership that are more comfortable than others
    Posted: Monday 21 July 2014
  • The Art of Communication by Mark Wager
    We can’t achieve anything of significance without effectively communicating with other people. Every minute of the day we are communicating even if we are not conscious of doing so. Communication seems so easy. We just tell people what we want, they listen and go-ahead and do it, but how often does this actually happen. How many times do two people communicate and walk away with a different understanding than what was intended.
    Posted: Monday 14 July 2014
  • The V.A.L.U.E of Complaints
    Dealing with complaints effectively is a complex topic but I wanted to write this article in order to give you a brief overview of the VALUE model that I use. When I train people I ask them to remember the V.A.L.U.E of dealing with complaints. This model has been developed by myself purely based on my own experience.
    Posted: Monday 7 July 2014
  • The Best Leadership Quotes
    If you are short of inspiration then check out this collection of leadership quotes
    Posted: Monday 2 June 2014
  • How to Develop Emerging Leaders by Mark Wager
    During difficult financial times companies tend to look at every area to cut costs. One of the most common areas that suffer economically is training. When money is tight it makes sense to cut back on what a lot of Managers may consider a luxury. This logic is flawed which is why many top companies are doing the opposite
    Posted: Monday 26 May 2014

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