Australasian Leadership Institute Free Articles


I am a former Broker Sales Manager and an Operations Manager who is now working as a leadership coach, consultant and strategist across four key areas:

  • Leadership of successful teams
  • Optimisation of mental performance 
  • Leadership psychology
  • High performing teams

Within these areas, I design, coach and facilitate bespoke leadership development programmes for individuals and teams including managers of all levels, directors, executives, professional athletes and aspiring leaders. My clients include the Delegates of the European Union, The Fred Hollows Foundation in Timor-Leste, the Fiji Sun newspaper, Lakes DHB, Kmart and Foodstuffs.

I am listed by Evan Carmichael as one of the top 100 leadership experts in the world to follow on Twitter.

When I design leadership programmes I draw from my twenty five years of managerial experience across a range of industries in the United Kingdom and here in New Zealand. I am accepted in the MBTI suite of tools and I am a professional member of NZAPT (New Zealand Association of Psychological Type) NZIM (New Zealand Institute of Management) and NZATD (New Zealand Association of Training & Development). I am a published author of two leadership books and I've had articles published in a range of magazines including Lifestyle for Men Magazine, M2, New Zealand Management Magazine as well as having a weekly business column with the Fiji Sun Newspaper. I am the current editor of Elite Leadership magazine.

If you want practical effective coaching and facilitation based on a foundation of modern leadership theories then get in touch via Twitter, the enquiry form below or call me direct on 021 354 831 (New Zealand)

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  • How To Get Your Dream Job
    The job market is very difficult and the reality is that the majority of people settle for any job they can get rather than the job they really want. The certainty of receiving a regular pay check can override the dream of pursuing a better job and that is where the better job often stays a dream yet life doesn't have to be this way. You can get a better job because you just need to know how to start pursuing your dream and this article will help you with that journey.
    Posted: Thursday 16 March 2017
  • How To Turn A Losing Team Into A Winning Team
    Every Leadership role is difficult, as long as people are involved each with different personalities and motivations, leading people is never going to be easy. Yet the most difficult challenge a leader can face is when they are put in charge of an underperforming team, a team that has a history of failure and losing. If you as a leader are in this position don't be disheartened because you are in the lucky position to be able to make a huge difference to the team and to the lives of the individuals within the team. You just need to know how to turn a team of losers into a team of winners.
    Posted: Monday 13 March 2017
  • How To Successfully Deal With Conflict
    Without doubt, the most popular topic I get asked questions on is conflict. Regardless of the level they are at within their organisation, whether at an entry level or senior executive, conflict and how to deal with conflict situations poses a significant challenge for the vast majority of leaders. In this article I will look at the most common barrier to effectively dealing with conflict and what it takes to overcome this barrier.
    Posted: Monday 6 March 2017
  • How To Create A Vision For Your Team by Mark Wager
    The most successful teams are the teams with a compelling vision of what success looks like. In these cases the leader is able to articulate in a statement their vision. Their vision is an inspirational description of what the team would like to achieve and a defined direction as to how to achieve that goal.
    Posted: Friday 3 March 2017
  • What The Oscars Mix-up Taught Us About Crisis Management
    We all make mistakes. It's natural but it's how we handle the mistakes that defines us as individuals and brand us as companies. This is the challenge that is currently facing Price Waterhouse Coopers in the light of the recent Oscar Awards controversy. Their handling of this situation provides other businesses lessons as to what to do when their brand is in crisis.
    Posted: Thursday 2 March 2017
  • The Most Important Quality Of Effective Leaders
    For a leader to be successful they have to possess many qualities . They have to be competent in what they do, they have to be courageous, they need to be able to delegate tasks, they need to be able to motivate people as well as being a visionary but there is one quality that has been established as being more important than others. This quality once mastered will have the single most impact on the leader's team in terms of motivation, performance and productivity. It's the leader's ability to instil belief in their followers that they are better than they believed they were.
    Posted: Wednesday 1 March 2017
  • The Dangers Of Success
    A lot has been written about success but very rarely do we spend time on what happens afterwards. It's difficult to climb the mountain of success but if you are not careful it's incredibly easy to fall off when you have reached the summit and if you do the fall can be dramatic.

    People often say that there is a fine line between success and failure and there has never been a situation that demonstrates this as much as the rise and fall of Claudio Ranieri.
    Posted: Monday 27 February 2017
  • How To Build Profits By Building Trust
    Let me start by stating the obvious. I'm sure you will agree that it's important for a leader to be viewed as trustworthy. That statement is beyond doubt. In fact it's difficult to imagine an effective leader who doesn't have the trust of their team but what is open to debate is just how important it is for a leader to be viewed as trustworthy. It's no longer just a desirable quality because it's the right thing to do. It's now been established that how trustworthy a leader is viewed by their team has a direct impact on the profitability of the business.
    Posted: Monday 20 February 2017
  • Inspirational Lessons From Batman
    Of all the superheroes in the world of fiction, arguably, the most popular is Batman. He's not from a different planet, he wasn't born with special powers or acquired them after a freak accident. He's just a man and I believe that is what makes Batman so special.
    The story of superheroes continue to inspire us and the most inspirational hero of all, Batman can provide us with lessons for all of us to live our lives better and maybe in some way become the superhero of our own story.
    Posted: Monday 13 February 2017
  • How To Receive Feeback
    The journey to become an effective leader is a long and difficult one. There are many barriers that prevent leaders fulfilling their potential which explains why there are such a few great leaders in business. Of all the barriers the most significant one to overcome is to close the gap between how leaders are perceived by their team as opposed to how they see themselves.
    Posted: Monday 6 February 2017
  • Are Your Goals Working For You?
    It's now the beginning of February and if you are one of those people that have already given up on your New Year resolutions then you are not alone. Research has shown that 75% of resolutions will fail by the end of January and 90% will fail by the end of the year leaving only 10% who will follow through with their resolution
    Posted: Wednesday 1 February 2017
  • The Secret of Continuous Success
    Any level of success is difficult if it requires a large amount of hard work, talent, determination and a fair share of luck yet no matter how difficult success is it's nothing compared to how difficult it is to have success time and time again. Success is difficult but continuous success is almost impossible.
    Posted: Monday 30 January 2017
  • The Leadership Philosophy of Jurgen Klopp
    Jurgen Klopp has one of the most challenging jobs in football. At Liverpool football club he has a club with a rich and successful tradition which has created an expectation for success both domestically and in Europe yet despite their rich history they have only won one trophy during the past ten years which was the League Cup in the 2011-2012 season. Jurgen Klopp is widely considered by the fans to be the man who is able to bring the glory days back to Anfield and his managerial history shows just why he is regarded so highly.
    Posted: Thursday 26 January 2017 , 1 Comments
  • Does Attractiveness Impact Your Judgement
    Our ability to reach a judgement on a person is vital for who we allow into our lives, who we believe in and who we trust. As a leader this judgement has even greater significance as a leader's opinion on a persons dependability, trustworthiness, sense of humour and even ability can influence the career path of that individual and for the success of the team or organisation they are working for. Yet your judgement may be influenced in ways that you are unaware of.
    Posted: Monday 23 January 2017
  • How To Build a Culture of Innovation
    It's the Businesses that have a culture of innovation that survive. Success is just an idea away, a new product, a new way of cutting costs or reducing waste that can be the difference between failing and succeeding. The world is constantly changing and to succeed you need to not only innovate to keep up with the changes but you need to anticipate where the changes are heading and innovate based on what could be rather than what is. If you can do this then your business will be successful
    Posted: Friday 20 January 2017
  • Three Things To Remember About Introverts In The Workplace
    The biggest strength and the biggest weakness of teams are one and the same. It's the complexity of people that make so many workplaces fascinating but it's also the same complexity that creates miscommunication and misunderstandings in the workplace.
    Posted: Wednesday 18 January 2017
  • Why Are There So Many Poor Leaders?
    The biggest challenge facing the business world today is poor leadership. When I'm talking about leadership I'm not just talking about decisions made at the top by CEOs. I'm talking about leadership at every level of a company and the inability to motivate and inspire people. This is costing the economy millions of dollars every year.
    Posted: Monday 16 January 2017
  • How To Become A Better Leader In 2017
    The New Year has started and with it comes your goals for the year. Businesses demand a lot from their leaders and with every year you are expected to do more with less. As expectations grow the resources required to meet those expectations reduce, so it's more vital than ever before for leaders to become better.
    Posted: Monday 9 January 2017
  • Why Now Is Not The Time To Quit
    The business world is a tough world and you will face obstacles, many obstacles and in fact you will consider quitting but the difference between the people who succeed in business and the people who fail in business is that successful people view these obstacles as feedback not as a signal to quit. Every obstacle provides you with feedback and opportunity, valuable lessons for you to know what you are doing wrong and an opportunity to correct that path.
    Posted: Monday 2 January 2017
  • What To Do When You Work For A Bad Boss
    Numerous studies from all around the world have shown that the number one reason that determines whether an employee stays in their job or leaves is their relationship with their boss. If you work with a boss who you respect and enjoy working with you are likely to stay in a position even if you don't enjoy other aspects of the job but if you work for a bad boss or someone who lacks the basic leadership skills then it's only a matter of time before you leave even if you enjoy the job itself.
    Posted: Monday 19 December 2016

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